What types of energy efficiency measures might be recommended?

The types of energy efficiency measures that might be recommended include upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, improving HVAC systems, implementing smart building technologies, optimising equipment usage, and transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar.
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Last updated
October 13, 2024
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Is it beneficial to add a commercial charging station to the solar car park?
Yes, it is beneficial to add commercial electric car chargers to your solar car park, though it is not a requirement. The addition of an EV charging station can be attractive to both your employees and your customers. There are more and more electric cars on the road each year. Having a place to charge them can be an added bonus for employees and customers. Learn more about commercial electric car chargers.
Do you need planning permission for a solar car park?
Generally speaking, you do not need to secure planning permission for your solar car park. However, it’s a good idea to get in touch with your local planning authority. Should planning permission be needed for your car park solar canopies, we will help you understand and comply with all relevant regulations and requirements by following our detailed planning process.
How does a solar car park protect me from rising energy costs at my business?
A solar car park protects your business from rising energy costs because you are generating your own electricity which means that your building is less reliant on grid power. Your building is then protected from fluctuating energy prices. Energy from commercial solar carports offers stable, predictable costs for 25+ years, giving you better control over the operational expenses of your facility.
Will it be disruptive to my business to install car park solar panels?
Building a solar car park can be scheduled to minimise disruption to your customers and employees. The length of installation time depends on the size of the area, and will be communicated with you. It will be managed around your routines to ensure minimal impact on your business.
What are commercial solar carports?
Commercial solar carports are steel structures placed in car parks. They make the most of often underused spaces by generating solar energy and provide a shaded area for cars. This will create a new revenue stream for your business, reduce energy costs, lower the carbon footprint of your business, improve brand perception to the growing eco-conscious population and help create an opportunity to offer EV charging to your employees and customers.
Do I need planning permission for commercial solar battery storage?
You may or may not need planning permission for your commercial battery storage. There are many factors to consider. This includes the size and scale, aesthetic impact, structural safety and whether or not your building is listed. Should planning permission be needed, we will help you understand and comply with all relevant regulations and requirements by following our detailed planning process.
When should I consider getting commercial solar battery storage?
You should consider getting commercial battery storage for your business if it operates outside of the usual business hours or has a large rooftop. It ensures any energy collected from your commercial solar panels will not go to waste and your investment is maximised. Not every business needs commercial solar batteries as it also depends on how much energy is used. If you do not have the full picture at the point of consultation, we can monitor the usage over a 6-12-month period. Should the data suggest that industrial solar battery storage is beneficial, we can return to the site and fit a battery storage system.
How does a commercial solar battery storage system work?
Commercial solar batteries will store the energy generated by the commercial solar panels. When the energy is required, the system will convert the chemical energy into electrical energy. The energy will be delivered to wherever the demand comes from.
Are commercial solar panels easy to maintain?
Yes, commercial solar panels for care homes are easy to maintain. We recommend that you get your commercial solar panels cleaned once a year.
Will my business benefit financially from generating commercial solar?
There are a few financial benefits for your business from installing commercial solar panels. For example, tax allowance and VAT exemptions. Businesses are able to claim 100% VAT exemption on energy saving materials and 100% first year tax allowance on ECO assets, which allows the full cost of the commercial solar equipment to be deducted from any profits made.
How does commercial solar power protect from rising energy costs at my business?
Commercial solar power protects your business from rising energy costs because you are generating your own electricity which means that your building is less reliant on grid power. Your building is then protected from fluctuating energy prices. Commercial solar energy offers stable, predictable costs for 25+ years, giving you better control over the operational expenses of your facility.
Will it be disruptive to my business to install commercial solar panels?
Commercial solar power installation can be scheduled to minimise disruption to your customers and employees. It typically takes a few days to a week, depending on the commercial solar system size, and can be managed around your routines to ensure minimal impact on your business.
How long does it take to install commercial solar panels?
The amount of time it takes to install commercial solar panels will depend on the size of your facility. Most commercial solar systems can be implemented in a few weeks or months, however. The process of installing commercial solar panels includes energy audits, system design, permitting, and installation.
What benefits can your business gain from commercial solar panel installation?
Our clients have saved a total of more than half a billion pounds. We document every single commercial solar panel installation in our case study portfolio, allowing you to see and forecast the possible savings. There are a few financial benefits for your business after installing commercial solar panels. This can include tax allowance and VAT exemptions. Businesses are able to claim 100% VAT exemption on energy-saving materials and 100% first-year tax allowance on ECO assets, which allows the full cost of the solar equipment to be deducted from any profits made.
Are commercial solar panels suitable for most building types?
We can complete a commercial solar panel installation on any type of commercial building. Factories, warehouses and offices are ideal due to the large roof space which is often unused. Commercial solar panels also be placed in car parks to create solar carports or on unused land to create a solar farm.
Will installing commercial solar panels disrupt my business?
The commercial solar panel installation process will be scheduled to minimise disruption to your business as much as possible. We meticulously plan the logistics during the preparation process to ensure all materials arrive at the scheduled time. We will do everything we can to ensure minimum interruptions to your business's day-to-day operations.
Do you need planning permission for commercial solar panels?
You may or may not need planning permission for your industrial solar panel installation. There are many factors to consider. Owner-operated commercial properties frequently benefit from Permitted Development Rights (PDRs), which allow certain types of development to proceed without the need for a full planning application. It will also depend on size and scale, aesthetic impact and structural safety. Should planning permission be needed for your commercial solar panels, we will help you understand and comply with all relevant regulations and requirements by following our detailed planning process.
What are the benefits of having a commercial charging station?
Installing commercial electric car chargers at your business can be attractive to both your employees and your customers. Electric cars are growing in popularity and having a place to charge them can be an added bonus for employees and customers. A commercial charging station will increase and improve your brand image to the growing eco-conscious population which could help customer loyalty. It could also increase the value of your property and provide an additional revenue stream for your business.
Do I need planning permission to install a solar farm?
It is possible that you will require planning permission for your solar farm. However, the planning permission requirements are lenient. Should planning permission be needed for your solar park, we will help you understand and comply with all relevant regulations and requirements by following our detailed planning process.
How do solar farms protect my business from rising energy costs?
Commercial solar farms help protect your business from rising energy costs because you are generating your own electricity which means that your building is less reliant on grid power. Your building is then protected from fluctuating energy prices. Energy from solar farms offer stable, predictable costs for 25+ years, giving you better control over the operational expenses of your facility.
How long do solar panels last on a solar farm?
The solar panels installed on your solar farm will typically last 25-30 years. This allows a solar park project to be a long-term investment for your business. At Sustain Commercial Solar, we offer yearly maintenance contracts which will help increase the longevity of your solar panel farm investment.
How are solar farms maintained?
Solar panel farms do not require lots of maintenance. It is mainly just inspecting and cleaning to remove dust, debris and dirt. At Sustain Commercial Solar, we offer a comprehensive operations and maintenance service to ensure your solar farm installation continues to operate efficiently and effectively which will allow you to maximise your investment as much as possible. Many of our clients opt for yearly maintenance contracts with us.
Are solar farms and solar parks noisy?
Overall, the solar panel farms are relatively quiet. The only noise that will be generated from the solar farm is from the inverter and this won’t be heard from a distance. There will be some noise during the solar park construction period but our extensive planning process will look to minimise this impact as much as possible. We take steps to minimise the noise during solar farm installations and will try to ensure there is normal access to the site so that your business operations are not significantly impacted.
Is it disruptive to install solar panels in a care home?
Installation can be scheduled to minimise disruption to residents and staff. It typically takes a few days to a week, depending on the system size, and can be managed around care home routines to ensure minimal impact and discomfort on your residents.
How does solar power protect care homes from rising energy costs?
Solar power protects care homes from rising energy costs because you are generating your own electricity which means that your building is less reliant on grid power. Your building is then protected from fluctuating energy prices Solar energy offers stable, predictable costs for 25+ years, giving you better control over the operational expenses of your facility.
Are solar panels suitable for care homes?
Yes, solar panels are suitable for care homes as they have large roof space and work well in facilities that need energy generated 24/7. Care homes also tend to operate during daylight hours when solar energy production is at its peak.
What financial benefits can care homes gain from solar panels?
There are a few financial benefits from installing solar panels in your care home, for example, tax allowance and VAT exemptions. Business are able to claim 100% VAT exemption on energy saving materials and 100% first year tax allowance on ECO assets, which allows the full cost of the solar equipment to be deducted from any profits made.
Are solar panels for care homes easy to maintain?
Yes, solar panels for care homes are easy to maintain. We recommend that you get your solar panels cleaned once a year.
How long does it take to install solar panels for car dealerships?
The amount of time it takes to install solar panels for car dealerships will depend on the size of your facility. Most solar systems can be implemented in a few weeks or months, however. The process of installing solar panels includes energy audits, system design, permitting, and installation.
Can solar power improve my dealership’s brand image?
Yes, installing solar panels will improve your dealership’s brand image and will position it as a forward-thinking, environmentally responsible business. Consumers are increasingly seeking out eco-friendly companies, and by adopting solar, your dealership can attract more customers who value sustainability and align with the growing electric vehicle market.
Is solar power scalable if my car dealership grows?
Yes, solar systems are scalable and can be expanded if your dealership grows or your energy needs increase. Additional panels can be added to your existing system to meet higher energy demands, making solar a flexible solution for businesses with evolving needs.
How does solar power help car dealerships meet sustainability goals?
Solar power helps car dealerships meet sustainability goals because it is a clean, renewable power source that reduces a dealership’s reliance on fossil fuels, which significantly lowers carbon emissions. By adopting solar power, your dealership will demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability, appeal to eco-conscious customers, and align with manufacturers that prioritise green practices.
Can solar panels be installed on the rooftop or parking areas of my car dealership?
Yes, solar panels can be installed on the rooftop or parking areas of your car dealership, as these are ideal places for solar panel installations. Rooftop systems maximise unused space, while solar powered carports provide additional benefits, such as shaded parking for vehicles, improving customer experience and protecting vehicles from outdoor elements.
Can solar powered carports be used at a car dealership?
Absolutely. Solar powered carports are an ideal solution, providing a clean, renewable energy source to charge electric vehicles. Installing solar panels to power your EV chargers helps reduce energy costs and aligns with the growing demand for sustainability in the automotive industry.
How does paper affect global warming?
Paper mills contribute towards global warming if they are not sustainably powered. The main gas that is emitted during the production of paper and cardboard is carbon dioxide. This is one of the main contributors to the acceleration of climate change and to the greenhouse effect.
Can solar power meet the energy-intensive demands of a paper mill?
Yes, solar systems can be designed to meet the high energy demands of paper mills. Paper mills are usually on large pieces of land which allows for a big amount of solar panels to be implemented. This will ensure that a large amount of clean energy is generated to keep the paper mill running.
Why is the paper industry so energy-intensive?
The paper industry is so energy-intensive because paper production is heat-intensive, mainly due to the large amounts of water to be evaporated in drying pulp and paper. Paper mills use up a colossal amount of energy to produce paper, which is why sustainable practices are vitally important in this industry.
Where can solar panels be installed by a paper mill?
Solar panels can be installed on large, flat rooftops or open land areas that are often available at paper mills. Rooftop systems make use of unused space, while ground-mounted solar arrays can turn open land into energy-generating assets without interfering with production activities.
Do solar panels need planning permission for paper mills?
You will most likely not need planning permission for solar panels for your paper mill. Most commercial solar installations meet the requirements for Permitted Development, which allows you to carry out certain building works.
How does solar power help paper mills reduce their carbon footprint?
Solar power helps paper mills reduce their carbon footprint by producing clean and renewable energy that reduces a reliance on fossil fuels. As a result of this, there will be a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Will industrial solar panel installation disrupt my manufacturing operations?
No, industrial solar panel installation will not disrupt your manufacturing operations. Installing industrial solar panels is typically non-intrusive and is designed to minimise disruptions. The installation process is carefully planned to ensure that manufacturing operations can continue without significant interruptions. Roof-mounted systems generally have little to no impact on day-to-day operations, while ground-mounted systems are installed in areas that do not interfere with production.
Can solar power handle the high energy demands of a manufacturing facility?
Yes, solar power can handle the high energy demands of a manufacturing facility. Industrial solar systems can be customised to meet the high energy demands of your manufacturing facility. From heavy machinery to continuous production lines, solar solutions can be designed to generate the required electricity. Additionally, solar can be paired with energy storage systems (batteries) to ensure power availability during peak production times or in the event of a power outage.
How much will installing industrial solar panels cost for my manufacturing business?
The cost of installing industrial solar panels depends on the size of your manufacturing facility, your energy needs, and the type of solar system you choose (roof-mounted, ground-mounted, or integrated with energy storage). There are also tax incentives and capital allowance support for your business when you implement commercial solar, which will help lower your costs.
Is my manufacturing facility a good candidate for commercial solar?
Most manufacturing facilities are excellent candidates for solar power, especially those with large, unobstructed roof space or surrounding land. The energy demands of manufacturing align well with the consistent power generation solar offers. To determine if your facility is ideal, we will conduct an energy consultation and site assessment to evaluate your solar potential.
What are the benefits of industrial solar panel installations for a manufacturing business?
Industrial solar panel installations for a manufacturing business have several benefits, including reducing your carbon footprint and promoting environmental sustainability—not to mention the reduction in your energy bills.
How much energy can industrial solar panels generate for a manufacturing facility?
The amount of energy industrial solar panels can generate depends on factors like the size of your facility, the number of panels installed, your location, and the available sunlight. Solar systems for manufacturing businesses are highly scalable and can be designed to meet the specific energy demands of your operations, whether you require energy for large-scale machinery or continuous production lines.
How does solar energy improve the efficiency of logistics operations?
Solar energy increases efficiency by providing a reliable, renewable energy source that powers your logistics operations consistently. This ensures smooth day-to-day operations, minimises downtime from power outages, and helps logistics companies meet sustainability goals without sacrificing performance.
How does solar energy contribute to sustainability in logistics?
Solar energy in logistics reduces a logistics company’s carbon footprint by generating clean, renewable power and lowering reliance on fossil fuels. This aligns with sustainability goals, helps meet environmental regulations, and demonstrates a commitment to eco-friendly practices, which can enhance your brand's reputation with customers and partners.
Can solar energy help support electric vehicle (EV) charging in logistics?
Yes, solar energy is an excellent solution for powering EV charging stations. As more logistics companies transition to electric vehicle fleets, solar power can provide a cost-effective, renewable source of energy to charge EVs on-site, reducing both fuel costs and reliance on grid electricity.
Will installing solar panels disrupt our logistics operations?
Solar panel installations for logistics companies are designed to minimise disruption. Solar providers typically schedule installations during off-peak times or work in phases to ensure that your logistics operations continue smoothly. Whether it's a rooftop or ground-mounted system, the process is efficient and non-intrusive.
How does solar power improve energy independence for logistics operations?
Solar energy allows your logistics company to generate its own electricity on-site, reducing reliance on the grid and fluctuating energy prices. This independence is especially valuable during grid outages, as solar systems paired with energy storage solutions (like batteries) can provide backup power and reduce costly downtime.
Can solar power handle the energy demands of a large logistics operation?
Yes, solar systems are scalable and can be customised to meet the high energy demands of your logistics facilities. Whether it's for lighting, HVAC systems, automated operations, or electric vehicle (EV) charging, solar installations for logistics can generate sufficient power to support your logistics operations efficiently.
Do local councils need planning permission to install solar panels?
Generally, local councils will not need planning permission to install solar panels. In most cases, solar installations on public buildings fall under "permitted development" and do not require planning permission. However, if the buildings are listed or located in conservation areas, or if ground-mounted solar systems are being installed, planning permission may be required. It’s advisable to consult with the local planning authority to ensure compliance.
How does solar power help councils meet their sustainability goals?
Solar power can help councils meet their sustainability goals due to their carbon emissions decreasing dramatically. Solar power is clean and renewable and reduces the reliance that businesses may have on fossil fuels. By adopting solar, councils can meet national and local sustainability targets, demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility, and promote eco-friendly practices within their communities.
How long does it take to install solar panels on council-owned buildings?
The amount of time it takes to install solar panels on council-owned buildings will depend on the size of the building and the complexity of the project. Generally speaking, solar installations on council-owned buildings can be completed within a few weeks or months.
How does solar power protect councils from rising energy costs?
Solar power protects councils from rising energy costs by generating their own electricity, which means they are less reliant on the grid. Local councils can also budget more effectively due to more stable and predictable costs.
How does solar power protect councils from rising energy costs?
Solar power protects councils from rising energy costs by generating their own electricity, which means they are less reliant on the grid. Local councils can also budget more effectively due to more stable and predictable costs.
Can solar power be used for public infrastructure, like street lighting or EV charging stations?
Yes, solar power can be used for public infrastructure, such as street lighting or EV charging stations. Solar panel installations also reduce the operational costs of these services.
Can solar power provide backup energy during outages?
Yes, solar power can provide backup energy during outages because it can be paired with battery storage solutions to store excess energy for use during these outages. This ensures that essential public services, such as lighting, emergency services, and community centres, remain operational even during power disruptions.
How long does it take to install solar panels at a leisure facility?
The amount of time it takes to install solar panels will depend on the size of your facility. Most solar systems can be implemented in a few weeks or months, however. The process of installing solar panels includes energy audits, system design, permitting, and installation.
Can I expand my solar system if my leisure facility grows?
Yes, you will be able to expand on your solar system if your leisure facility grows. Sustain Commercial Solar offers tailored packages for you and your leisure facility that account for expansions.
Can solar energy be used for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations?
Yes, solar energy can be used to power electric vehicles (EVs) on-site. This way, your guests can charge their electric cars at your gyms, hotels, or resorts. This also adds to sustainable transport trends.
Can solar panels power saunas and heated pools in a leisure facility?
Yes, solar panels can definitely power saunas and heated pools in a leisure facility. Solar systems can provide the electricity needed for heating, ventilation, and lighting, helping you reduce operational costs while maintaining guest comfort and satisfaction.
How does solar power improve the sustainability of a leisure facility?
Solar power improves the sustainability of a leisure facility by allowing your facility to reduce its carbon footprint and by saving on energy costs. Using solar energy will also give your leisure facility a reputation for being environmentally friendly, contributing to the Net Zero target.
How many solar panels do leisure centres need?
The amount of solar panels that your leisure centre will need depends on a few different factors, such as the amount of space available, the type of roofing you have, the energy demands of your leisure centre, and your budget.
How long does an energy consultation take?
An energy consultation can take up to a couple of weeks, but this all depends on the complexity and size of your business. This will include the initial assessment.
What kind of businesses can benefit from energy consultations?
Any kind of business will benefit from an energy consultation, such as offices, retail stores, manufacturing facilities, and warehouses. Regardless of size or industry, any business can gain valuable insights from an energy consultation.
What types of energy efficiency measures might be recommended?
The types of energy efficiency measures that might be recommended include upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, improving HVAC systems, implementing smart building technologies, optimising equipment usage, and transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar.
How can an energy consultation save my business money?
An energy consultation helps identify areas where your business can reduce energy consumption and costs. By optimising energy use, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and transitioning to renewable energy sources, your business can significantly lower its energy bills, often resulting in savings of thousands or even millions of pounds over time.
What is an energy consultation?
An energy consultation includes an in-depth assessment of the amount of energy it uses. During the consultation, a business's energy needs are also assessed, as well as project goals and site-specific requirements. Through this, energy consultants are able to understand a business's unique situations and provide it with a tailored solar solution.
Can we expand our solar system if our campus grows?
Yes, you will be able to expand your solar system if your campus grows. Solar systems are designed to be scalable, so if your facility's energy needs grow due to new buildings or growing student populations, additional solar panels can be added to meet the increased demand. We can design a flexible system that can be expanded as your institution grows.
How does solar help protect our educational facility from rising energy costs?
Solar in schools, colleges, and universities helps protect your educational facility from rising energy costs by generating free energy from the sun. This eliminates your reliance on energy from the grid that is expensive. This shields your educational facility from unpredictable utility rate increases and ensures stable, predictable energy costs for years to come.
Do schools need planning permission for solar panels?
It is not common to need planning permission for solar panel installation; however, this does depend on a few things. For example, if you want your solar panels ground-mounted, if your school is listed, or is part of a world heritage site.
What maintenance does a solar system require?
Solar systems are low-maintenance and designed to operate for 25+ years. Routine inspections and occasional cleaning are usually all that’s needed to ensure the system continues to perform efficiently. Most systems come with performance monitoring, allowing issues to be identified and addressed promptly, without any impact on school operations.
What incentives are available for educational institutions that want to install solar?
Having solar in schools, colleges, or universities will allow you to take advantage of financial incentives, such as government grants, local rebates, and special financing options like Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). These incentives can reduce upfront installation costs and accelerate the return on investment. Non-profit schools, in particular, benefit from PPAs that allow them to install solar with little to no upfront cost.
Will installing solar disrupt our school's daily operations?
Installing solar panels in schools is designed to be as non-disruptive as possible. Most solar panel installations will occur over the school holidays or during times that don’t interfere with daily activities. The process can be completed in stages to ensure that classroom time, campus activities, and school operations continue smoothly.
What are the government incentives for installing commercial solar panels?
The government incentives for installing commercial solar panels include up to £5,000 for low-carbon upgrades (solar panel installations) for small and medium businesses in some areas of England. The government also offers Power Purchase Agreements with no upfront costs for solar panel installations. Your business will also be able to buy solar electricity at a cheaper rate. These incentives are all in efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050.
Can solar energy power EV charging stations at my commercial property?
Yes, solar energy can power EV charging stations at your commercial property. This will also help you provide additional amenities for your tenants and customers, all while reducing the costs associated with charging electric vehicles.
How does solar energy improve the value of commercial real estate?
Investing in solar energy will increase the market value of your commercial real estate because it will be more attractive to prospective buyers and tenants. This enhanced marketability can lead to higher sale prices or rental income.
Do I need to consider battery storage with commercial solar panels?
If your business works outside of usual business hours or has a large rooftop, then it may be a good idea to consider battery storage. A solar battery will store the excess power that your solar panels generate so that it doesn't go to waste and can be used at another time. However, not every business needs a solar battery. It depends on how much energy you use and when.
Why should my commercial real estate business invest in commercial solar?
Your commercial real estate business should invest in commercial solar because you will be saving copious amounts of money on energy bills. Your business will also be adhering to its corporate responsibility of prioritising sustainability and green energy.
What is commercial solar?
Commercial solar is the use of solar power through solar panels to power commercial properties and businesses, such as factories and offices. Commercial solar panels are usually bigger than residential ones because they need to capture more sunlight and produce more electricity.
Can solar panels be installed on any type of commercial building?
Yes, solar systems are flexible and can be installed on any type of commercial building, such as office buildings, retail spaces, warehouses, industrial complexes, and more. The best solar system for your building will depend on factors like available rooftop space, energy needs, and building layout.
How does solar power protect my commercial property from rising energy costs?
Solar power protects your commercial property from rising energy costs because you are generating your own electricity, which means that your building is less reliant on grid power. Your building is then protected from fluctuating energy prices. Solar energy offers stable, predictable costs for 25+ years, giving you better control over your building’s operating expenses.
How will installing solar panels affect my property value?
Installing solar panels typically increases the value of a commercial property. Energy-efficient buildings with lower operating costs and sustainable features are more attractive to potential buyers and tenants. Solar power can make your property stand out in the market, helping you command higher rents or sale prices.
How much electricity can a commercial solar panel generate?
With power ratings ranging between 250W and 500W per panel, commercial solar systems can produce substantial amounts of electricity, which significantly reduces your energy costs. The efficiency of these solar systems, however, depends on factors such as location, angle and orientation, temperature, and shading.
Do solar panels need planning permission for commercial buildings?
You will most likely not need planning permission for solar panels for your commercial building. Most commercial solar installations meet the requirements for Permitted Development, which allows you to carry out certain building works.
Are solar panels for commercial properties worth it?
Yes, solar panels for commercial properties are worth installing because the reduction in energy bills alone will help your business save money. Through solar panels, your commercial building will also lose its reliance on the grid for power.‍
How long does it take to install solar panels on a farm?
The amount of time it takes to instal solar panels on a farm depends on the size and complexity of the project, but most installations are completed within a few weeks to a few months. Solar providers will work with you to ensure minimal disruption to your farming operations during the installation process.
Can farm solar panels be installed on unused land without affecting crop production?
Yes, ground-mounted solar systems can be installed on unused or marginal land, such as areas that are not suitable for crops. This allows you to generate solar energy without impacting productive farmland. Some farmers also adopt agrivoltaics, where crops are grown beneath or alongside solar panels, optimising land use for both agriculture and energy generation.
What financial incentives are available for farmers who install agricultural solar panels?
There are several financial incentives for farmers who install agricultural solar panels, including the UK government's tax credits, grants, local rebates, and financing options such as Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). These incentives help reduce upfront costs and make solar installations more affordable. Solar providers can help you navigate these opportunities to maximise your financial benefits.
Can farm solar panels power my entire farm, including machinery and refrigeration?
Yes, farm solar panels can be used to power everything from machinery and irrigation systems to greenhouses, livestock operations, and refrigeration units. Your solar system can be customised to meet the specific energy demands of your farm, whether you need it for heavy equipment, lighting, or temperature control in barns and storage facilities.
How can solar energy support irrigation on my farm?
Solar energy can easily support irrigation on your farm. Solar-powered water pumps can reduce or eliminate the need for diesel generators or grid electricity, cutting costs while ensuring a reliable water supply for crops. Solar-powered irrigation is especially useful for remote areas where grid access is limited or expensive.
Do you need planning permission for farm solar panels on agricultural land?
No, you do not need planning permission for farm solar panels on agricultural land. The installation of solar panels on non-domestic buildings and land may be 'permitted development' with no need to apply to the Local Planning Authority for planning permission. However, ground-mounted solar systems or installations in areas with conservation restrictions may require planning approval. It's always best to consult with your local planning authority or your solar provider to confirm.
What is G100 Export Limitation?
G100 defines the parameters of Export and Import Limitation Schemes. It therefore enables a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to define import and export limitations on a grid connection.
Can I add more solar panels or storage later with a PPA?
Yes, depending on your business’s growing energy needs, additional solar panels or battery storage can be integrated into your existing system. This can be discussed and adjusted within your PPA agreement to ensure you continue to maximise savings and efficiency.
What happens if the solar system underperforms?
Our PPAs come with performance guarantees. If the system underperforms, we will assess and rectify the issue at no additional cost to you. Maintenance and system optimisation are included in the agreement, ensuring that you only pay for the energy that the solar system produces.
Are there any hidden fees?
No, our PPAs are fully transparent. There are no hidden fees or unexpected costs.
What happens at the end of the PPA term?
At the end of the agreement, you may choose to extend the PPA, purchase the system, or have it removed at no cost.
Can I terminate a commercial solar PPA early?
Yes, many PPAs offer buyout options or flexible terms, which can be negotiated during the agreement process.
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The system is helping us apply for tenders. A lot of tenders now ask you how you are working towards Net Zero. Solar has been great in helping us demonstrate that.

Andy Kidger

Facilities Manager

Baltic Apprenticeships

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We have made enormous savings on our costs. We now make a 6 figure income on the energy generated by our system.

Robert Moss

Managing Director

Moss Electrical

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Sustain's ongoing support has been amazing. They've delivered on all projects in a timely manner and caused minimal disruption to our tenants.

Javed Sattar

Portfolio Manager

Custodian Capital

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