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Given our expertise, we like to comment on industry news and trends as well as create guides for people to use when navigating their commercial solar installation.


We understand that some terms within the industry can seem complex, we’ve done our best to break these down with actionable descriptions in our glossary.


Over time, we’ve collected a list of frequently asked questions from clients, prospects and the general public, we’ve assimilated those into this section.

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In simpler terms, "PV" in solar energy stands for "photovoltaic." It's the technology that turns sunlight into electricity using solar panels.
Can a business expand its existing solar panel system?
Yes, a commercial solar system can be expanded.
Can a business go off-grid with solar and battery storage?
Yes, but this is an atypical arrangement and would require a large battery system and relatively small energy needs.
Battery storage
Can commercial solar panels work on cloudy days?
Yes, but their efficiency is reduced.
Do commercial solar panels require maintenance?
Minimal maintenance is required but periodic checks and testing is highly recommended, if not mandatory to uphold some warranties.
How do solar panels work for commercial applications?
Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells, suitable for commercial energy needs.
How long do commercial solar batteries last?
Solar batteries typically last 10-15 years.
Battery storage
How long do commercial solar panels last?
Commercial solar panels typically last 25-30 years.
How much space is needed for commercial solar panels?
It depends on the energy needs and nature of the space, whether there is shading and other factors.
What are the benefits of solar energy for businesses?
Solar energy reduces operational costs, enhances sustainability, and offers long-term financial savings.
What is a commercial solar battery?
A solar battery stores excess energy generated by commercial solar panels.
Battery storage
What is the initial cost of installing solar panels for businesses?
The cost varies dependent on the size and nature of the system. Financial options with no upfront cost are available.
Will solar panels increase the value of commercial property?
Yes, solar panels can increase property value given that they are installed with a forward thinking outlook.
I would highly recommend Sustain Commercial Solar to other UK businesses.
Sustain's ongoing support has been amazing. They've delivered on all projects in a timely manner and caused minimal disruption to our tenants.
Client testimonials
The economics just make sense.
We have made enormous savings on our costs. We now make a 6 figure income on the energy generated by our system.
Client testimonials
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